LOVE towards ourselves, the living nature around us and the Divine Consciousness brings us directly to the sensations we experienced in the prenatal state of our being, a cycle of personal evolution full of harmony, peace and absolute pleasure. In our collective memory we still preserve glimpses of that sensual knowledge of the existence of Paradise on Earth and we all feel inside a strong desire to come back again to this natural free flow of warm energy around us. The human being is part of the organic world whose most important principle of action is PLEASURE. When we observe the microscopic reactions of a single-cell amoeba we see clearly that it expands in a biological favorable environment and contracts when its life force is threatened by adverse conditions.
In our disconnection from natural life energy, sexual obsession or possessive and fearful relationships become a substitute for LOVE. If we look closer at the main characteristics of our so called modern world we can find two taboos that are radically excluded from every day life: conscious birth and conscious passing away. Whereas in traditional, naturally rooted societies these extraordinary events in human life are still experienced like a celebration of initiation accompanied by a huge group of family members and close friends, we now experience these two basic changes in our existence in a non-familiar, nearly hostile environment, mostly under the effects of strong anesthesia and in absolute loneliness. They want to make us believe that Paradise is just a fiction or at most a virtual reality, but that’s not true. Our perception of pleasure and life energy as well as our way of experiencing LOVE is conditioned by our way of coming into this world of forms. And in this sense, the BOND OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE BETWEEN MOTHER AND CHILD is the guardian of the future of natural joy and humanity itself.
Fortunately nobody today denies that a supportive, warm and loving atmosphere during our prenatal state, birth, external gestation of the following 12 months and the period of breastfeeding are crucial for our physical development and emotional health. The first three years of a child will determine its natural self confidence and its peaceful, fearless interaction with other human beings. But since our capitalistic societies are based on Darwin’s theory of fighting for survival, cruel competition and the hypothesis of lack in general, the presence of LOVE, abundance and supportive caring for ourselves and the others are considered extremely dangerous for the system and therefore eliminated from their very beginning. In these times of changing tides at all levels, when we are actually witnessing the birth of a New World, we WOMEN with our sacred capacity of creating and protecting life have the chance and the responsibility for transforming competition into sharing, indifference and hatred into love and compassion etc. by reconnecting to our genuine vital energy source, to the Earth and to our natural basic needs.
The symbiotic and natural bond of LOVE between mother and child during the first years is fundamental for our well-being. As a result of the progressive destruction of this natural flow of life energy we find an increasing number of children suffering from depression, hyperactivity and even suicidal tendency, a social phenomenon that had never occurred before in the history of humanity! It’s obvious that They have a special interest in the dissolution of this primal relationship by separating babies from their mothers and mothers from their babies and all of us from Earth and Spirit. The more we feel separated from each other and from ourselves, the more fearful we are and therefore the better They can manipulate us for their own benefits of economic growth and power. The Sioux, for example, wanted to create strong and aggressive warriors and they said that for attaining this goal it was necessary to block the intimate contact between the baby and the mother and also the contact of the human being with the Earth.
The future of mankind is a kind man.
But They want to make us fell apart from our nature. They want to design human beings “á la carte” by creating us in vitro in labs using genetic manipulation, they want to implant under our skin the microchip to know everything about us, They want to weaken our natural strength by vaccination and synthetic drugs. But despite of all intents of disconnecting us from our spiritual light, we will always feel the power to follow our true nature!
We don’t longer accept submission and manipulation, we don’t longer mistake modern slavery for freedom, we don’t longer accept a violent birth giving and a process of increasing denaturalization in all aspects of human life! Instead we believe in LOVE, in an orgasmic birth and in a libidinal symbiosis between mother and baby, in a world full of space, abundance and ONENESS with the pure Consciousness.
El text de Love és meravellós.impossible de copsar-lo plenament per un home.Intueixo un món desconegut i espiritual sols assequible a una dona.
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Que bé que t'hagi agradat! Estic convençuda que d'aquí poc temps s'activarà la teva faceta més femenina i les meves paraules et resonaran com una veu coneguda i ancestral! Un petó!