Soy como una hada de los bosques que te canta, mece y protege desde el misterio íntimo de la noche estrellada. Una acompañante del viaje hacia el centro de tu verdadero Ser. Los milagros de una sanación se producen de forma suave y natural. De hecho, es raro cuando no ocurren.

2 de marzo de 2012

*James Lovelock, impulsor of the Gaia Theory and Anyeti in his secret garden

1 comentario:

  1. Anyeti you keep surprising me again and yet again.
    So, you met James Lovelock. What a chance! I understand he is a very important person. I dont know much about him,
    but i understand why you are CONECTED with him. Reading some of the entries in your blog is obvious that Gaia is the link. The IDEA of Gaia.
    When was the foto taken? It looks recent.
